Hold on now, Bruce. This was just phenomenally bad...
26 August 2021
Right, with the 2012 movie "Jurassic Shark" being a bad movie, but within the scopes of what could be considered watchable, then of course I opted to sit down and watch the sequel "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" that was hatched here in 2021, 9 years after the original movie.

Needless to say that I wasn't harboring much of any high hopes or expectations to this movie from writer Aaron Drake and director Mark Polonia. But I still opted to sit down and wet my feet, so to speak.

But I must admit that the movie's cover/poster was actually rather interesting, and it certainly helped win me over to watch the movie. The title of the movie, however, was another thing, because it makes so many alarm bells go off.

And let's just dive right into it, shall we? "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" is bad. It is phenomenally bad. And no, it is not the kind of bad shark movie that is so bad that it becomes fun and enjoyable to watch. Nay, "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" was just good old fashioned bad and horrible to watch.

The storyline is pretty generic, even for a man-eating shark movie. Yeah, it was as bland as it could possible be. Not to mention as predictable as it could possibly be.

This being a shark movie, of course it needs to have a proper shark, proper effects, believable attacks of the characters in the movie, and what have you not. Does "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" have that? No. Any of it? No. Not even anything? No.

The special effects in "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" were laughably bad. It felt as if the special effects team didn't even bother to try to accomplish anything. The shark looked insanely bad, so painstakingly computer animated, and looking like something from an early 1990s computer game just didn't cut it here. The visual and special effects were almost non-existing in "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse". So you are not in a for special effects galore here. Not even remotely. You don't even buy into it being an actual shark for a single scene in which this atrocity of a shark appears.

The acting in "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" was as wooden and rigid as it possibly could be. It felt like even the cast themselves didn't buy into the movie for even the slightest of seconds. And of course, the fact that the movie was wrought with poor dialogue and characters that a toddler could have conjured up, didn't really help further the movie one bit.

"Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" is definitely a top contender for worst shark movie ever made. Trust me. It is just fundamentally bad on every level.

My rating of "Jurassic Shark 2: Aquapocalypse" lands on a one out of ten stars. This is not a movie that I would recommend you waste your time, money or effort on. Some of us suffered through this, so you don't have to. And yeah, I suffered through to the very end.
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