Butley (1974)
Literary virtuosity
18 October 2021
One of the primary reasons for seeing this adaptation of 'Butley' is that it is one of the thirteen films making up the American Film Theatre series, which was an interesting and ambitious project but a flawed one. It is hard to go wrong with having a fine actor like Alan Bates, who sounded perfect and did two other films in the series (the others being 'Three Sisters' and 'In Celebration'). The play is good fun and Harold Pinter as director intrigued me, knowing him better for his play and screen writing.

'Butley' more than does the source material justice, managing to be faithful in detail and spirit to it without being too much so. It is easily one of the top 3 best films in the American Film Theatre series along with 'The Iceman Cometh' and 'The Homecoming' (the latter of which being written by Pinter and one of his finest plays) and by quite some way the best since 'The Homecoming'. It is highly recommended and has more to it than just curiosity value.

Pinter's direction is a little too laconic on occasion, which meant that the energy wasn't always consistent (this was fleetingly though).

A vast majority of it though is absolutely fine, very intelligent, precise and not losing the play's necessary exuberance. The script is talk-heavy, as is expected from a play, but it doesn't feel wordy. Instead it felt sharp, smart and amusing in a dark but never distasteful way.

It's a well shot and produced film, with not near as much of a too filmed play feel that most films in the American Film Theatre series suffer from. The energy is near constant. Once again the characters are deeply flawed but not one's definition of likeable (not a problem for me but this has been a criticism that has popped up in reviews for most of the series' films), but they are meaty and feel real.

While Jessica Tandy and Simon O'Callaghan are both excellent, the best thing about 'Butley' is the intense and exuberant tour de force performance from Bates.

Concluding, great and one of the series' best. 9/10.
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