The Bone Garden (II) (2016)
"You'd be surprised what people are capable of..."
21 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one. The other reviewers for this flick (at the time I write this) all appear to be as disgruntled with the film's resolution as I am. Up till then it had some semblance of a whodunit murder mystery but the whole thing falls apart when at least four of the principals have been pursuing murder and mayhem throughout the story, it's just that we didn't know it yet. At least Laurie Curtis telegraphed her involvement when she told Alice Hardy (Tracie Savage) that she had the heads of her barroom buddies in the trunk of her car. Little did we know. I guess director Mike Gutridge must have been going for the unexpected twist here, but all he did was confound the viewer by going off on tangents that never did come together. Gee, how would you like to be in Detective Meeker's (Ron Millkie) shoes trying to explain this one?
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