To be fair, Flipper was great.
18 January 2022
In a horrendously dated display of erratic '60s/early-'70s editing, blonde Carla (Libertad Leblanc) accidentally shoots dead her lover Nick (Carlos Piñar). Carla's husband Dr. Warren (Riccardo Garrone) helps his wife to dispose of the body, but guilt causes the woman's mind to crack and she starts to think that the dead man is haunting her. When the Warren's check into a plush Miami hotel, the hotel's detective, Andrew (Tony Kendall), becomes concerned about Carla and uncovers the mystery surrounding her fragile condition.

This Spanish giallo, clearly inspired by French classic Les Diaboliques, is fairly engrossing plot-wise but suffers from weak direction by Luis Marquina, who resorts to lots of pointless padding, with Carla and Andrew taking in the the sights of Miami (including paying a visit to Flipper the dolphin!) and exploring the everglades on an airboat. Time is also wasted on Andrew's pointless on/off relationship with girlfriend Marta (Loredana Giustini). In the film's clumsiest but also most entertaining scene, Marta inadvertently takes LSD, which leads Andrew to suspect that Carla isn't as crazy as she seems.

With not much in the way of murder and no nudity (Leblanc's shower scene is unusually coy), and very little in the way of style (Marquina tries, but fails), the film is unlikely to hold much appeal for all but the most avid giallo fans, and the film's denouement shouldn't come as much of a surprise to those well-versed in the genre.
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