Review of Sour Grapes

Sour Grapes (2016)
Almost a victimless crime.
20 January 2022
It's hard to feel sorry for these people. Every wine tastes like floor cleaner. Wine is one of the worst tasting alcohols there is. They talk about having a great palette but I imagine if you love wine so much that your tastebuds must barely work at all. And then you have people raving about how great it tastes and paying insane prices for pretty much the same crap that is chemically identical to what you get for thirty bucks a bottle at the liquor store. I've never heard anybody actually say that excessive age actually makes the wine taste better. It would be kind of like saying "tobacco is just better when you roll it up and smoke it in a Monét painting." And then just imagine what good all that money could do for other people in the world, in terms of improving their lives. It seems like it would be fairly easy crime to commit and when you think about how many poor people are sitting around with nothing to do when they could be filling up old bottles with liquor and aging paper and making homemade glue. Why not if you can get away with it?
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