Bad and Crazy (2021–2022)
Fight Club Vigilante
7 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ep 1-5 This is an ongoing review. The hidden trick is kind of obvious, the plot drags a little, villain too over the top and sentiments are high. I like the fight scenes and the female lead needs more screen time !!! The first case is ties all the cases together so far is nice. But still thin plot in-between so it does seems longer than necessary so far.

Ep 6-9 Well, don't think I can go on further. It's got moments but far and few between. There is new cases but just too interspersed with too many other things going on. The mother's condition, the brothers restaurant, the past romance...etc Plus the drug lord actress will likely come back too. The cops childhood comes into play but it feels drag out for me.

6 is probably a generous rating.
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