Yellowstone: Going Back to Cali (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
too little violence, too late...
7 February 2022
So here's how it looks to me... the first two seasons are hot wired with keep those reviewers who gave this episode a low score happy... and, no matter how they put it in their reviews, that, most likely, is the says 'harlequin romance'...another comments about the sex scene...(and another, hilariously, comments on bad language, but gave the episode a high rating...i guess this is the only episode they've seen).

But the way the show worked the adrenaline up for the first two seasons was, mostly, with violence...and now a good deal of the viewers exPECT it.

Don't get me wrong...i'm NOT saying i'm aGAINST the violence or feel it's unrealistic or ANY such thing... but they, themselves, say how they're not in it for the 'romance' and such...

i have no idea how the writers will handle this...but it seems that the show is trying to excise some of what it got people on board for... good luck with THAT...
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