Review of Kandisha

Kandisha (2020)
This movie makes no sense at all
16 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes no sense at all and it feels rushed.

Spoiler alert, so this jealous and possessive ex boyfriend is waiting for is ex in a sort of tunnel, its raining, her ex has been on an all night out with her friends painting graffiti in an old building soon to be demolished. While in the building the young women sees under paint the name Kandisha, her Arabian friend explains to her the legend very brief that she is a ghost and once summon she kills men. (there is no mention on how to summon her or anything just a very brief explanation of what she is).

He grabs her tell her he loves her she does not and he hits her a few times and tries to rap her.

With a bloody nose she manages to escape after fighting back. Now we see her in the shower fully dressed making a pentagram and saying Kandisha a few times ....

30 seconds later Kandisha appears and kills her ex boyfriend and starts killing off all the men she knows one by one.....

They go to this temple for help, they do a summoning to return the spirit back it does not work and then a few days later the priest tells her that she needs to die for the spirit to rest and stop killing.

All hell breaks loose and in the end they are in the abandon building she takes her life by jumping in the elevator shaft...

Movie ends thank god.
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