High Maintenance: Jonathan (2013)
Season 1, Episode 8
It's a travesty this episode is rated 6.7
11 April 2022
I suffered the hassle of resetting my long forgotten IMDb password to rectify this, as much as I personally can, and write my first and probably only review.

This episode is only 9 minutes long but covers so much. Firstly, HB is a funny SOB and is owed so much credit for being loud about the human filth that is Bill Cosby before it was acceptable. If I were Ilana, I would totally marry him. Hilarious, honorable, hot. Plus he got that dentist schedule and hours. Kids, go into dentistry, seriously. Make bank, do actual good, and enjoy an excellent work to life balance. Job security because teeth, we all got a bunch of them. Plus, as we live longer, the demand will only increase. I should have went into dentistry.

Damn. I'm way off track here plus referencing HB's great work on Broad City like it's his real self because damn, that's a good man, and I wish. But I remember my ultimate point now. HB absolutely shines in this episode. Boy got range. Not a great rapper though.

This episode will catch you off guard and it will be jarring. Laughing one minute, despairing the next. It displays genius writing and acting, restrained and non-exploitive treatment between what is shown and what is told, clever and novel illustration of the impact of social media on humans, and perfectly developed side characters.

I don't want to spoil anything so at this point I can only beseech you to watch this episode. It dexterously handles the full gamut of human experience in less time than I spend making coffee, checking my email, separating lights from darks, or a multitude of other meaningless tasks. You have 9 minutes. And no minute is wasted here. Watch this episode, please.

10 years later it remains poignant and unfortunately, supremely relevant. A morsel of a masterpiece. Watch it. Report back. Would love to hear others' opinions. By the way, I rated it a 9. I think Grandpa is my 10.
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