Consider Watching So You'll be eared -up for Sniper 10!
25 August 2022
This ninth franchise has committed a critical leap by deviating from the usual hard-core action we see from the franchise - that itself is commendable especially for a newbie filmmaker. Although Mr. Thompson is not totally new to the franchise, which makes him aware of the general pitch of the 8th series - the off-rail has a purpose, I see it as a "respite" in preparation for the Sniper 10. So I have something to look forward to for the real action in Sniper 10.

Storytelling-wise, it was direct and I wouldn't say predictable, although in my POV it could have a different ending, " claiming justice " by killing the perpetrator from the hands of " an already victim" is not justice and if I have to weigh-in the end part from the 1st part of the film , it's already a failure of their mission. That's the weak part for me in this movie, but that's my POV ( because I have worked with human trafficking cases in my professional life). Human Trafficking is the 3rd largest crime in the world and this movie touches that delicate issue but failed to at least show redemption in the end. However, not because the ending of the film was not how the way I wanted it to be, doesn't make the film bad. Thompson manages to deliver although it can show more.

I like the general tone of the film, the colorist did well in here, cinematography was justified particularly in establishing the character of Josh Brener. The camera angling and transition is pro level ( of course it's Doug Pasko I guess?) the continuity and editing is neat ( my only issue was the dolly shot outside the house when the gang discovered they have 1 missing victim.)

Theme music was cool, I particularly like the folk-rockish beat when Gildie was leaving the crime scene, or building ( I like Brendan Sexton's presence in this movie btw! Well done!) As for the other characters I believe this was Agent Zero's mission so Ryan did shine in here.

As for Brandon Beckett well this was totally a different display of his character , from being a so seriously serious Sniper in all the 5 Sniper's , his funny side showed-up here. - (not to mention he had the shortest stint in the CIA ) . But this was remarkable in Mr. Thompson's storytelling , despite the comedic dialogues and approaches , the representation of each character was very much present. I particularly like the convo between The Colonel and Brandon outside the building while having "coffee" , the grit is still very much characterized by Brandon.

Sony could actually release soundtracks of each Sniper films, I like the song " Teeth of The Master" , hope they release a single for the fans to enjoy. It can create a recall to the movie .

Overall this is a good watch, I can give a solid 8 and looking forward for a great action in Sniper 10!
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