31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another commission offered to Riker. Will he accept? The USS Melbourne. "Its his if he want's it." This is the third time, we've pulled out the Captain's chair for Riker, he just won't sit down.

Down on Jouret IV, something has destroyed an entire community. We have a cute blonde in Commander Shelby. Please don't kiss her, Riker. She's after your job.

Shelby is an expert on the Borg, so things are looking up. But as with most TNG of this period, it's a slow burner which tends to be focussed on the clash of personalities that exist between Riker and Shelby. This is a two-parter season finale, so we can be sure it's building towards a climax of some sort.

We do encounter the Borg, who surprisingly, are only interested in Captain Jean-Luc Picard. No requests for assimilation YET. No threats of resistance being futile YET. This is the second time that the Enterprise has experienced the Borg drone (Q Who?) but this time the ship manages to escape thanks to the intervention of the career driven Commander Shelly. The Enterprise soon finds refuge in the Paulson Nebular which should provide a screen against the Borg ships sensors, Captain.

The story seems to be caught between the ongoing battle between Riker and Shelby and the Battle between the Enterprise and the Borg. Maybe that's why its the best of both worlds... Anyone for a cliff-hanger... step forward Locutus.
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