10 cuz I'm obsessed with the series but I'm bout to spoil the house down
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 All Stars episode 2 Snatch Game I want to scream so herstorically that every queen hears me 10 years ago! There is no rule book and they do not have to vote how Miss skated through the entire season resting on the knowledge that Alaska will carry her into top 3 Roxy Andrews, who was so clearly the one who deserved to go home! I would've been honest from jump and said "Detox imo will be safe as she was not the worst character and clearly the best runway so upfront I will not pick her lipstick" then "at least Tatiana showed up to snatch game unlike Roxy so Roxy gurl bye hit the bricks! From this moment Roxy ceased all competition and napped on Alaskas coat tails knowing full well she can get away with anything if I survived tanking my character and sleeping in the corner while portraying the very damn person who just saved her from sucking as her! Jesus! Did that make sense I am fired up cuz Damn it Man why doesn't anyone untuck and reclaim the balls to tell everyone that they are all full of crap?!

You cannot agree to a vote criteria because the game the winning queens the losing queens the workroom buddies and alliances all change every week so the very air and tone of the workroom is always changing too. Whats this mean to You.. Anyone..? Ok I'll tell you... It means they are all lying to each other and know exactly how they are voting the second they are lucky enough to be a winner and are informed who the lowest queens are and they are all telling each other what they all wanna hear... it's called strategy and no one wants to admit cuz anyone who ever has gets the Axe at the first opportunity. (Morgan McMichaels) Oh btw, which is why the begging for my life crap chat on the couch with the winning queen is so counterproductive embarrassing ridiculous and never swaying anyone as I said they are locked in a millisecond Ru reads the names. Again LIARS !

Writing this is telling myself to stop and get a life as I'm a little consumed. I'm embarrassed lol Joking I love everything about this show the love the hate, my rants my criticism and all of you our fabulous community!!! Xoxo 😘 aren't we just so Neto and give you that ooooh I'm so happy and proud to be fabulously Gay 😂😂😂

Don't get me started on my explanation for Adore leaving as I completely understand her thoughts and wish I was there to help her clearly and affectively explain herself so that everyone walks away saying "i get it and makes perfect sense" But sorry I'm not doing that as this will never end.

Love love love Adore!

One last part of my rant (clears throat) I mean of my "critique" lol Don't these fools watch the show and realize someone needs to get an original tear inducing "I have so much more to show I have so much more to give I gave up everything to be here and I cannot go home yet" moment cuz when reality stars do that and all say the same crap like they are the first and only swearing to themselves this speech is going to save me from elimination, it makes a brand new vein pop on my neck for everyone who recites this and cause me to hate them with the same level of fire that I secretly hate my husband! Most know that is a lotta hate. I have 100 new veins 😡 It's pathetic unnecessary and will never ever help anyone escape public humiliation or gain a sympathetic save moment from anyone.

Mic 🎤 drop.
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