Fun. Marvel experimenting with various styles
7 September 2022
If Marvel tried to do this with other characters, it wouldn't work. But She Hulk is a fairly ridiculous character to begin with, so why not try something off the wall like this.

As for animation, other reviewers aren't wrong. This is a disturbing mix of Shreck and a woman. But I haven't liked most of the Hulk animation since Norton's hulk, which was fairly well done.

But getting past that, the whole concept is a blast. When I saw the trailers to this show, I was wondering what they could be thinking. But I was wrong... it works, and it's entertaining.

For people thinking this is misogynistic, Im not sure what you're seeing. Im sort of seeing a bit of the opposite....that it's poking a bit of fun at how far the pendulum has swung at vilianizing men. There seems to be a lot of sarcasm which understandably is a tricky way to do humour since it can be interpreted badly.

All in all, if you don't take it too seriously, this is a relaxing half hour that just requires you don't take the world or the MCU too seriously. Reminds me a bit of Peacemaker. If you get worked up over the material, you're going to have a hard time enjoying this. If you just realize the tongue and cheek nature of it, you'll likely enjoy it.

Eye of the beholder. They've definitely taken a risk of this show. And I think they have to take risks with the volume of shows marvel is producing, or it will become stale like the DC shows of the 2010s. For me She Hulk works, but I can understand how others might be turned off.
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