Three's Company: Strangers in the Night (1982)
Season 6, Episode 12
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A very funny episode from Season 6. There were so many great shows from this season. This is one of them. Not too many spoilers here but....

Jack is miserable after losing his "southern belle" girlfriend Arabella due to a misunderstanding at the Regal Beagle.

Janet, Teri & Larry devise a plan to help Jack win back Arabella's affections. They all agree it would be a great idea for Jack to sing to Arabella underneath her window in the evening. The girls believe that Arabella would instantly melt.

Problem.......... Jack sings for Janet, Teri & Larry and it's awful. Larry tells the trio he can sing and proceeds to sing "You Are So Beautiful". Larry is excellent. Larry will sing hidden from Arabella while Jack mouths the words.

It's a plan!!! When Larry & Jack arrive at Arabella's place the comedic chaos begins.

Excellent show. Highly recommended.
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