Deadly Riddles
26 September 2022
This episode is another honorable mention. This is the second and last time "The Riddler" appeared, it's true he wasn't' in the show much but that's a good thing where there are sometimes villains that overstay their welcome like "Rumple" in "Once Upon a Time" which makes them lose their edge and repetitive, much like soda pop gone flat because it was shelved too long, as an old saying goes less is more.

I like that the theme is about obsession and how dangerous it truly is. Edward/Riddler you can see could have changed his ways as it looked like he was on the right track in life as he has a business started up. But unfortunately, Riddler let's his own ego get in the way as he still can't stand being outsmarted by Batman and anyone else, it's always been his Achilles heel that he's not the only smart person in the room. There are two moments with him I really like from those black and white TV commercials which are fun and really make me miss the commercials of yesteryear. But also, at a party seeing one woman or two come on to Riddler which I'll admit just like Riddler never thought would ever happen in years, though you can also say a slight homage to "Batman 66" as he along with any other Bat villain of that show would have a girl in each episode arc.

This episode is a little different as it almost reminds me a little of "Die Hard with a Vengeance" as Batman and Robin have a riddle displayed to them and would have to go from one point to another. In a way if you've seen that film, you already have an idea on what it's all about to lead to, the real suspense and riddle is can "Batman" find a way out of it. The ending is poetic justice as let's just say the hardest riddle to answer is how does one outsmart oneself?

Rating: 3 and a half stars.
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