Next Exit (2022)
Next Exit is the definition of Saggy Middle Syndrome
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Next Exit is the most boring movie that starts out very promising.

In the intro we have a scene of a boy who interacts with a ghost at the foot of his bed by video camera. We are TOLD this is the cause of millions of suicides because everyone believed what they saw. They believed it through their intuition! Wooo! I don't care.

Anyway it starts out with these characters who are all feeling and no thought. This girl smashes a TV she was about to sell a man and escapes for no reason.

She realizes her friend is possessed with this suicidal ghost curse and go on a long unstimulating road trip through the midwest. Then it occurred to me what this movie was. IT'S A ROAD TRIP FILM! AHHHHH!!! This couldn't get worse.

But at least in most Road Trip films there is a stake following the protagonists. Even National Lampoons had a stake. Even Dumb and Dumber had a stake. This movie has none except for the two characters emo feelings.

The movie is rather visually boring to. I was promised a sci-fi movie but that implies it being Star Trek or what not which this is no.

Overall don't watch this movie. If you like it we can't be friends. Sorry.
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