Review of Babylon

Babylon (I) (2022)
Stunning... For the Most Part
23 December 2022
This movie has all of the pieces you'd find in a masterpiece. It has a brilliant cast that delivers captivating performances, beautiful cinematography, and out of this world production design that you certainly don't see everyday. The sheer scale of some of these sets deserve recognition. The editing is also great, maintaining a relatively fast pace considering how long of a movie this is. However, despite all of these strengths, I still found it hard to really put this movie on a pedestal (and trust me, I wanted to). It has a lot of really fun elements, and clearly is full of talent, although it felt as though it is missing something. My suspicion is it just got to be too long - I believe if this movie were 40 minutes shorter, I would have left it with only good things to say, but it reached a point where I was losing my concentration and wondering what the point was anymore. Nonetheless, this movie still does offer a lot to see, and I'd say it's worth the watch. I'm seeing some reviews only giving the movie hate, and I don't think it deserves that - there are a lot of great things about this movie. But once a movie surpasses the 3 hour mark, I think it's valid to complain that at that point, the movie better be near-perfect to warrant such a long runtime.
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