Better than most interview shows
8 February 2023
Most tv hosts don't make the effort to interview a wide spectrum of guests like Wallace does. His guests have backgrounds in science, religion, sports, entertainment, government. There is no hidden agenda here. If you want to stick to shows that complement your narrative, then this show isn't for you.

But it's a new show, he's still finding his rhythm. He should interview guests in the style of "Inside the Actor's Studio." While it's not the most favored form, I think they should add a live audience who are able to ask individual questions. There's more risk involved, and sometimes these moments go viral.

News programs are too afraid of live audiences. Partisan lectures or entertainers travel to universities, but we don't have this spectrum of guests on weekly televisions shows willing to speak freely, whether it's science, news, or inspirational stories from entertainment industry guests.

Get a live audience who have the ability to be involved. Up the game. Create YouTube shorts. Go viral. Give Chris the publicity he deserves.
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