Review of End Game

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: End Game (2019)
Season 20, Episode 24
Haha, Just Awful
11 February 2023
It's really tough to speak to all the awfulness in this episode. Is it the hammy overacting? Is it the brainless script? Is it the melodramatic direction?

Let's tart with all the fawning over Mariska Hargitay. I mean, seriously. There's a level of sycophancy that transcends to a pathology. Must every man who comes into her sphere lust after her? Must they all remind her how smart, dedicated, empathetic, beautiful, etc., she is supposed to be? Are egos on the show so fragile that this is now required?

The guy playing Stone's son is terrible, and he deserved to be off the show, but not like this. Not with another Barba-esque break with reality. What is it with Law and Order now that no one behaves professionally anymore? Lawyers are shouting at each other in the courtroom, DAs are breaking the law as though it's merely a guideline, and cops are ignoring boundaries they're supposed to maintain.

Just plain awful, haha.
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