Climax (I) (2018)
oh gimme a break dude
23 February 2023
I liked IRREVERSIBLE and I STAND ALONE and the early stuff as much as the next guy but this is just stupid, pointless, uninteresting, and a complete waste of time.

Watch this movie if you're prepared for endless sequences of people talking about the most predictable and mundane chit chat you could have at a party and a never ending sequence where you watch everyone take turns dancing in a circle. On and on and on AND ON AND ON AND ON IT GOES until I had to finally skip through the drivel.

When things do get "interesting", he manages to once again bore us to DEATH. And in the end, absolutely nothing really happens.

There is no story here, no resolution, no point to developing the characters because they do nothing meaningful once you've gotten to know them.

The second half, aside from a few uncomfortable scenes where you think this movie may just grow a set, is people dancing around all spaced out mixed in with groaning and crazy "omg I'm so high" yelling.

To hell with this turd.
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