Lifetime cheesy, sappy writing meets British royalty and racism
19 March 2023
Okay, this is terribly sappy writing. And the character portrayals are not exactly honest. The Royal Family appear overly affectionate and silly. Meghan's character is forced to say terrible lines that the real Meghan would never say. But Tiffany Smith could virtually double for Meghan Markle in body and voice. And her acting was decent. All in all, it was a fair interpretation of the events. But Meghan's father and half sister from hell was downplayed. The documentary was great. Meghan's nieces by way of her half sister were left out of the movie and I think they were critical to telling the story that would undermine Samantha since she was emotionally and physically abuse to her children to the point where child protective services had to remove them. Meghan formed a sisterly relationship with them as they were closer in age to her than she was to Samantha. She wanted to have Noelle and Ashleigh at the wedding but it was a PR issue. That made a good story.

I love the documentary because it was told in a narrative fashion that kept you engaged but I hope down the line to have a bigger budget movie similar to this but grittier. No cheesy lines. Be truthful as possible to the story. I did love the flashbacks and reflections to Princess Diana. They were very stirring. I do often keep hoping the Crown will continue to finish this tale but that's not the plan. At any rate, it's solid for a lifetime movie. I watched the one for Kate and William. That was downright terrible and had the excitement of watching paint dry. So, this is surefire improvement.
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