A Near Masterpiece
2 April 2023
Why do people hate this movie? I fail to understand or see the reason why Wonder Woman 84 is a really bad movie and one of the worst in the superhero genre. If anything Wonder Woman 84 is one of those rare sequels that far surpasses the very original film from the story to the characters to the acting and the cast a sequel has. My only gripe and problem I have with this movie is that it's meant to take place in early mid 80s but it doesn't really feel or look as though Wonder Woman 84 actually takes place in the 80s era. Sure it may have the props and some outfits of that time. But the aesthetic as though Wonder Woman and everyone else living in the 80s is not there at all. Just the name 80s splashed over a typical modern made movie

The story for Wonder Woman 84 is fantastic and gripping a great take on greed, envy, lies, heroism, lust and sacrifice. It is the human nature for all of us to want more in life. We want more than what the other person has or what we believe we should deserve. But it always comes at a cost. Our humanity. Our dignity, self respect and the depths we will stoop to achieve our goals no matter who could potentially get hurt along the way

The villains were fantastic in Wonder Woman 84 and were the real stars of this movie. Max Lord a greedy down on his luck business man who manages to find a stone which grants wishes and in turn makes himself have the ability to grant wishes to everyone at the cost of his health every time he grants them. Yet he always wants more from each wish he grants. He fails to realize he had something worthwhile and what was truly important to him for a long time and that is his son who he neglected for a very long time until towards the end where he redeems himself and renounces his ability to grant wishes and put an end to greed

The other villain, The Cheetah was another fantastic villain and a tragic one at that. Starting off as an outsider of society looking to be accepted and be let it but always rejected by society no matter how hard she tries but has very low self esteem and confidence just because she was shy at first. She's lonely until meeting Wonder Woman and coming across the stone that grants wishes before Max Lord takes it for his own. Suddenly the Cheetah becomes popular with her wish and super strong, she has confidence and self worth but it cost her humanity and ultimately her friendship with Wonder Woman

This movie is by far better than the original movie and I'll go as far as calling it a near masterpiece. It's definitely one of the best superhero movies along with Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Zack Snyder's Justice League and Shazam one in the last decade. This is why I love DC films they always have social and political takes on our society that doesn't feel forced. It's a shame DCEU is being rebooted because I don't like James Gunn's vision because right now Id love a Wonder Woman 3 but oh well.
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