Review of Mononoke

Mononoke (2007)
Derivative at best.
19 April 2023
This anime had little to no animation in it. What it was composed of, almost entirely, was still graphic overlays. Most of the apparent animation was done by shaking, sliding, or rotating them. The graphics were based on the school of Heinz Edelman circa 1968 as seen in the movie Yellow Submarine. Many elements were lifted almost entirely from there and included the same creative elements such as rooms and scenery that couldn't possibly have fit into a given location or scenario, as well as random visuals floating across the screen. Frankly, it was done better in Yellow Submarine. Still, it was pretty.

The story was pretentious at best and not well written. There was little to no world logic to the storey, and what there was, was mostly inconsistent. Jargon was used to substitute for a script. The same statements were used repeatedly. Each episode kept telling you what it just told you over and over. I don't think I could listen to the line "Ah. I see." One more time. It made the dialog exceedingly tedious. And it was slow... so very slow, relying on the graphics for exposition, which never happened. As a horror, it was underwhelming.

Music? What music? Yes, there was an opening and closing song, neither memorable. During the story there was mostly no musical background except for random notes thrown from the speaker randomly from time to time. The notes seemed to have been randomly sampled from Classical Japanese instruments. No musical themes linked the notes together. They were there to break up the monotony of the dialog. Once every three or so episodes there would actually be a small instrumental interlude lasting a very short period of time, but again, completely unmemorable.

If you are into experimental visuals then this might be for you. As an anime, it's a bust. It definitely is not meant for children. For most people, I would recommend a pass. This series is far to pretentious to be entertaining. A rating of 6 was the best that I could do, and it's very generous.
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