A movie by someone who describes himself as 'Theocratic fascist'
9 June 2023
Hello everybody,

feel free to read a user review that is not written by a trump-supporting conservative!

The amount if ignorance regarding proven facts in this movie is insane. Well okay, if you simply stop ignoring every single publication that came out after lets say 2010, this movie might actually be scientifically accurate but 'sadly' we live in 2023 with lots of new findings.

That this movie is highly manipulative and even cuts sequences in a very weird way, where people basically want to confirm what Matt wants to express but do it in a slightly different way than he expected, should be no surprise for anyone.

Also it is also quite weird that he interviews a lot of old people and confronts them with these kind of topics without them having any kind of qualification regarding these topics. Go out there in the city and ask 60+ people about certain topics, you might be surprised how backwards and insulting the answers are you will get.

And as a last bit of information that might offer some very helpful context here is that the author of this movie thinks it's 'perfectly natural' to impregnate a 16 year old female and describes himself as a 'theocratic fascist'.
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