Miles from liking it very much
21 June 2023
Finally, a sad gay film that isn't about someone dying from AIDS. He's a young man dying from cancer! They can't seem to win. This little very, very low budget three character gay film, that is very poorly lighted, has one rather unpleasant young man played by Seth Dunlap, the cancer victim, and another with an enormous chip on his shoulder portrayed by Cristian Gonzalez. The third friend invited for this weekend at a cabin the woods that these three used to do more frequently is the only seemingly not hostile person involved here and he is played by Shane Howell. Past problems keep coming up. Endless petty arguments and old grievances arise. There's a far too long a conversation about urn selection. Heavy dramatics, poor writing and so-so performances all add up to a film that is just not all that good. One of my pet peeves with this was just before the get together, the cancer patient who doesn't want them to know about his health until the end of the weekend, shaves all of his long curly hair off. Strange way to hide it. Still, it's very low budget and they deserve a bit of credit for trying in the first place and it is the first feature film for two of the actors.
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