The "Must See" phrase is cliche but 100% true here.
12 July 2023
It's been years since I saw a movie that felt worth it. But this is more than a movie. It's a call to action. While Hollywood is out there trying to change people by telling them their awful, the story of "Sound of Freedom" is calling real people to stand up, take notice, and be the hero but helping to spread the word on one of the two most vile things happening to our children in these modern times.

The story, based on true events, is compelling in its own right. But the cast and crew have managed to weave this story into a two hour digestible tale that will have you asking "what can I do to help?"

Jim Caviezel was already seen as a great actor but this film continues to show the breadth of his abilities. The moments when he is choked up in a scene you know he's drawing from a true feeling. He portrayed the real hero we all want to be but few go out and become.

Like all movies based on true stories the filmmakers took liberties but none that felt like it took you beyond what good people could do who saw something awful and were transformed by it.

Everyone in this project found the way to address a ten ton topic of importance without the lazy Hollywood gratuity. They drove home the point, engaged the viewers, without doing harm to the story but showing what didn't need showing. You didn't have to see what happened to know it.

A lot of filmmakers complain about scenes being cut because they think the audience won't get it without it. I've sadly seen or heard about parts of sexual assault scenes in movies that the writer s d director felt was necessary. You don't have to see a single but in this film to understand the horror of what's happening to the children of the world.

Please. Please go see this film in theaters. Take a chance that by seeing this film you might be better prepared to protect your own children or those you love, and help someone else's child as well.
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