16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, still in beginning but had to write. It was pretty bad acting & just watched another show with lead male that was good. What is it about these movies? It's like rehearse too much or not enough. It's like they're reading the script and don't know what to do with body, it's robotic.

Ok, what made me write, have the people in the coffee shop heard of gloves? 1st the guy dips fingers in one jar, takes a pinch, puts in cup. Then opens another jar and does the same. Next thing you know, the owner of the shop is doing the same thing.

No fricken way she stuffed all those envelopes (even though pre-folded) & he was still washing the 1 dog, who wasn't even wet when she got there. He's more wet after changing then was when washed dog

Grant's lackies, their acting is the WORST. Who is sitting in hospital waiting on news about father, just leaves to go see guy who hit him?
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