Somewhat devoid of thrilling elements...
8 August 2023
I had the opportunity to sit down and watch the 2023 Lifetime movie "Boy in the Walls" without ever having heard about it. But I will say that the movie's synopsis sounded interesting enough, and thus I opted to sit down and give director Constance Zimmer's 2023 movie a fair chance.

The storyline in "Boy in the Walls", as written by Katrina Onstad and David Weaver, was fair enough. It was a pretty straight forward narrative, however I found that the movie was lacking thrills and there never really was a sense of the family living in the house being in any real danger. And that sort of made sitting through 87 minutes of this somewhat of a bland ordeal.

The acting performances in the movie were fair enough. I wasn't familiar with the actors and actresses on the cast list, but they had some nice talents to portray the various roles.

For a thriller then "Boy in the Walls" was sort of a mundane viewing experience. The movie was devoid of any thrills really, and that was a shame, because the storyline certainly had potential.

Sure, "Boy in the Walls" from director Constance Zimmer, was a watchable movie, but hardly one that warrants more than just a single viewing.

My rating of "Boy in the Walls" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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