Major Crimes: Wish You Were Here (2015)
Season 4, Episode 9
STOP WHINING about Rusty
17 October 2023
Soooooo many negative and nasty things get said here about Rusty. He's an integral part of of the show, he is a member of the family that IS the show. Yeah, we all watch to see the case of the week but the reason this or any other crime solving procedural works, and truly keep us coming back, is the way the characters are a family. Of course Rusty was brought on to soften and humanize Sharon and that was a good thing. He did that and more by eventually bonding with the rest of the characters and now we have a family we can all look forward to seeing (albeit for me on the DVD box set). And I'd bet money that during the actual airing of this show that a great many viewers told the network that they not only liked Rusty but wanted to see more of him which is why he kept getting more and more screen time.

If I'd have watched this show when it was on I'd have commented right here to those Rusty haters to please just stop watching if it bothered you so much. This whole show, as well as its predecessor The Closer, are absolutely great and I wouldn't have asked for a single change.
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