If you like "Snake in the Eagle's Shadow" should be able to like this as well
26 October 2023
(1982) Snake in The Monkey's Shadow (In Chinese with English subtitles) DUBBED MARTIAL ARTS HISTORICAL PIECE

Another different version of the Yuen Woo Ping / Jackie Chan 1978 "Snake in Eagles Shadow" but instead of placing a real live cat and a live cobra going at it- in this version you have a real live monkey going at it with the cobra which is the key in defeating it's two main villains. Acrobatics and awesome martial arts fighting galore with music taken and used quite effectively from 1978 Drunken Master! Saw both the dubbed as well as the Chinese version and they're both quite good even though the dubbed one is shorter in terms of time length! The star of this film is also the same stunt actor as Police Story Part II! The comedy is not so good but excellent fighting photograph.
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