Great info, should be mandatory high school viewing
26 November 2023
You are what you eat. We hear that but only the educated (intentionally in this field) really understand that phrase. My education was slow and took years of my life due to eating processed and fast food the 2nd half of my life. I went to several doctors but finally started researching on my own to learn I had developed Celiac disease.

This film revels how the medical and pharmaceutical monopolies are using us like pawns but it should also have bothered to explain that eating whole fresh vegan foods can not only keep you from needing medical intervention but cure you.

And for the record, the reason packaged foods high in sugar saw a surge in illness is because people were still supplementing with fat. Overabundance of fat in the blood prevents sugars from being processed quickly. Read the 80 10 10 Diet by Douglas Graham. Also Raw Food Bible by Craig Sommers talks about eliminating environmental toxins.

My sincere hope is that a majority of people will learn these truths and humanity can become the exuberant joyful society we are capable of.
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