Review of Only a Rose

The Andy Griffith Show: Only a Rose (1966)
Season 7, Episode 12
Clara shows much class in stepping down and letting Aunt Bea step up.
27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aunt Bea finally grows a beautiful rose for the annual Mayberry Flower Show. It is a beauty. Clara Edwards has entered a flower and feels confident that her entry is a winner. She has won the previous seven shows. But her entry doesn't have the depth and vibrant color that was grown by Aunt Bea. Andy was so impressed with Bea's entry that he took a photo. Unfortunately, Opie decides to play catch with his best buddy and his buddy misses catching the football. The football hits the rose and breaks the stem. They try to tape the rose back on the stem but that didn't work, and the rose is destroyed.

Much to his dismay Opie does the right thing and shows the broken rose to Andy who tells Aunt Bea. She has no choice but to withdraw from the competition. At the show Aunt Bea knew who the winner would be as Clara sat behind her and smugly talks about her about her soon to be winning rose. She says it too bad that Bea had to withdraw from the show. Andy explains why Bea had to withdraw and the camera shows a different expression on Clara's face (one of disappointment).

Opie shows up with a gift wrapped package. The package is the framed photo of Bea's entry. Opie had the photo of the Bea's rose (taken by Andy) framed and Clara saw how exquisite Bea's entry was. She knew that Bea's entry was superior to hers. With no hesitation she took the framed photo to the judges table and removed the blue ribbon from her rose and put it on the framed photo of Aunt Bea's entry. The audience was in agreement with Clara and Aunt Bea's rose was declared the winner. One of the best episodes of Clara showing much class considering her penchant for winning.
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