Review of Train Trip

Leave It to Beaver: Train Trip (1958)
Season 1, Episode 26
30 November 2023
This funny and poignant episode shows you how times have changed. I agree with the last reviewer; parents today probably WOULD NOT allow their kids to travel by train (or anywhere) all alone. Of course, there's always a bit of poetic license in everything, and that includes the further adventures of Beave and Wally.

The guys go away to visit Aunt Martha and basically spend all their money, forgetting all about the train tickets to get them back home!

OMG. It may not have been train tickets, but it's yet another relatable story how many of us kids back in the day were careless with money --and paid the price!

Fortunately, Beave has the good luck of running into a kindly train conductor, played by veteran actor Joseph Crehan. He foots the bill for the guys, like an invisible angel on their shoulders, and they will send him the money when they get back home. Crehan was a wonderful actor, usually cast as cops in many classic films, particuarly in the CHARLIE CHAN movies.

Also this is one of those "parental magic" episodes where Ward seems to know about everything that happened to Beave and Wally. And ain't that truth mom and dad were always a step ahead of us, in one way or another!

Note another appearance by Karl Swenson as sarcastic Mr. Haskell (who needs a punch in the nose!) and a bit role (as a passenger) by Bess Flowers, long in Hollywood, going back to the early 1920s. She was later known as the Queen of Hollywood Extras, appearing in hundreds of films.

Well written by series creators Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher. From SEASON 2 EPISODE 26 remastered Universal dvd box set.
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