Raging Grace (2023)
Worth the watch if you're a thinking person!
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The poor reviews are quite odd in my view.

The film depicts the brutal reality of illegal employment in this country, particularly in domestic service.

Some reviews have complained about the flow or direction of the film but the way it's split into acts serves the intended purpose of shifting to the point to be made.

It's a cruel film in that Joy & Grace are caught up in an unfortunate circumstance of bad luck when it comes to their residence. Joy, the mother and protagonist hides her daughter Grace away from her employers, hiding her in a suitcase when moving in then making her sleep in a wardrobe to protect her from being seen.... The lengths some parents will go to in search of a 'better life' in their minds.

Grace is undoubtedly a wilful and precocious child but she's bored and frustrated, so what child wouldn't lash out and grasp onto any semblance of kindness. This of course is manipulated much later by the very person whose life they saved.

Villains become human and justice is somewhat served.
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