My Best Girl (1927)
Here's your one-stop destination for the fountainhead of all romantic-comedy-dramas cliches.
29 January 2024
My Best Girl (1927) : Brief Review -

Here's your one-stop destination for the fountainhead of all romantic-comedy-dramas cliches. Almost 100 years old and has been influencing movies-100 years from now, and it will still be influencing movies. That's what Sam Taylor's My Best Girl is! It might just be the origin of all those romantic comedy and family drama theories you have been seeing for a century. You must be familiar with the story of a rich boy falling in love with a poor girl, or vice versa. The boy is engaged but finds his true love in this poor girl, who is very honest and loyal. He does not reveal his original identity or that he is very rich, because that might take that girl away from him. He wants her to love him as a common, hardworking man. However, as every story has it, this one too has confrontations that are inevitable. The girl learns about his belt and then about his engagement, only to force herself out of his life. She then pretends to be a gold digger so that the boy can be married to a girl of his status as per his parents' wishes, but you know, true love never loses. That entire 15-minute segment when Mary Pickford pretends to be a red-hot girl and a gold digger is so emotional and intelligent that even non-romantic people will get senti there. The father is too smart, so he just pretends to be bad to test the girl's honesty and self-respect. The boy won't believe in whatever the girl says because he has known her inside out during that period of their relationship. That's what true love is. Talking about the comedy, we all know what Sam Taylor has done with Harold Lloyd, so be relaxed. This man knew how to make you laugh and how to create cliches for decades. Mary Pickford has outdone herself in this classic rom-com, while Charles "Buddy" Rogers has made solid chemistry with her. As a whole, Sam Taylor had a tailor-made classic rom-com in his kitty, but it's his touch that makes it highly entertaining and timeless. A perfect timeless classic in the "post-"Sunrise" (1927) era.

RATING - 8/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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