Review of Flash

The Detectives: Flash (1995)
Season 3, Episode 2
A case of mistaken identity.
10 February 2024
Briggs is distraught after waking up the morning after a work's do, to remember that he'd been messing about with The Commissioner's Wife. Bob and Dave are called in to interview Flash Gordon, a master flasher.

The mother of all mix ups.

I keep waiting for there to be some sort of lull in this show, but it's not happening, it just continues to be comedy of the highest order, this is a genuinely laugh out loud funny episode, some of the one liners are unbelievable.

I was so glad to see the name of Michael Troughton appear in the credits, and he is very good, but there's no denying that this episode is stolen by Cal McCrystal, who plays Flash Gordon is side splitting, he's terrific.

Good to see Alan David, fine serious actor, but one who does comedy very well.

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