This documentary was misnamed
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary isn't really about Jim. It's about the people he left in his wake trying to live their lives and make sense of what they experienced.

There are some rabbit trails, like when we spend time on speculation about whether Jim is the Zodiac killer, and there is no real resolution about the hitchhiker theory. But, from what I've read, people who experience extreme abuse often wonder if their abuser might be responsible for ____ (fill in blank with unsolved crime). And, sometimes they're right.

This is about children trying to navigate their way through living with a monster-trying to understand why their mother/grandmother stayed with such an extreme abuser and abandoned them. The mother/grandmother seems like she might be a bit mentally disabled or maybe has brain damage from being hit in the head so hard. I'm not saying this is a great documentary, because it's not. It should have been half the length it is. But, it is this family's journey, and I'm glad they're working it out together.
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