"I want a fried egg. Eggs are my favourite food"
28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
'The Complex' is rather complex and changes tack several times so at the end one is a trifle confused. Is it about a vengeful grandfather, a haunted housing complex, survivor guilt, psychosis, a ghostly boy more like a demon, a woman in a coma? There are some creepy scenes but they don't make a coherent plot. It's also too long at 106 minutes. It looks good and the music is passable. The main lead is Atsuko Maeda as Asuka who is onscreen for the majority of the film but is not that interesting, even when the weird things are happening around her. The rest of the cast are competent enough. It had great potential but after the old man's body is discovered it lost me. I kept saying to myself...yes, but and...ah, but...etc.
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