I loved this - so brave.
6 March 2024
To all the sceptics & the low voters, take a breath! Do brutal!

I've never been a particular fan of J-Lo's music in the past but quite liked the movies she been in. Yes, she's not the greatest actress in the world but she can sing & dance with the best of them.

I watched this & liked it, loved the music - especially 'Broken Like Me'. A beautiful song. I thought the film was a bit out there even so.

Then I saw the doco behind this film/music video. Watch 'The Greatest Love Story Never Told' & get some insight as to where she was going with this. It's not an ego trip. She was passionate about the project. Jennifer's filmed often with no make, exhausted from keeping up with 20yo dancers, laying bare her emotions. She wanted to make something different, lost the funding for it & so she used her own money to make it.

After I watched the doco, I revisited This Is Me...Now & watched it again with a new appreciation & understanding. It's a journey about self love & being in love.

And I loved it more the second time around & loved the songs even more. But then, like J-Lo I'm a romantic & believe in happy endings.
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