Thank you for explaining, Jennifer
6 March 2024
I've never been into J-Lo's music in the past & would struggle to name a song of hers besides Jenny From The Block. But I am a huge fan of her new album This Is Me...Now.

Last week I watched the film/doco/music video mash of her new album & quite liked it, though I didn't have much insight into it. I liked the music & was enthralled at how good a dancer she is.

Then I watched this doco about how & why the above was made & gained a new appreciation for the album film & the woman behind it. To believe in yourself to the point where you back yourself with your own money - it's both brave & risky. She had story to tell & told it with passion, honesty & vulnerability. I also have a new appreciation for J-Lo's make-up artist.

I revisited the album film/doco & enjoyed it so much more armed with a better understanding of what it was all about. And now I love the music. Jennifer Lopez, you have a new fan.

There is a huge difference between narcissism & self-love. The nay sayers should check their dictionary!
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