Review of Arrival

Arrival (II) (2016)
An excellent story of the psychology of first contact
15 March 2024
Eight stars. The biggest ding from a cinematic standpoint is the characteristic flaw in Villeneuve's films. It's too dark. Maybe he thinks that makes it moody. But it really just makes it too dark. There's also some fundamental violations of basic science that, technically, moves this from "science fiction" to fantasy. But I still include this in my list of "first contact" films for my Life in the Universe course. Because most of it is spot-on. Of course the official reactions would be militaristic. Of course they would be dominated by paranoia. And, of course, the essential problem is one of communication. So hinging the film on the attempt of a linguist to get her own people to understand the situation is the key to the whole story. And Amy Adams does a magnificent job of playing that character. It's the most honest portrayal of an academic I've ever seen in cinema. Renner does a fine job as well, at least after the staggeringly bad cliche' of his first scene. Adams has to confront the problem of the Heptapod language, but her essential challenge is the behavior of her own government. That's why it is so important that the military chief and the CIA operative were also played by brilliant actors at the top of their games. Forest Whitaker has been doing excellent work for 40 years now, and Michael Stuhlbarg for at least 20. Even though it's shot WAY too dark, and even though the science veers into outright nonsense, it's an insightful study of the response to first contact, with superlative acting at the top of the bill. This is very much a film worth watching. 6 May 2022.
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