The Fall Guy (2024)
Movie within a movie, stuntman within a stuntman
2 May 2024
The Fall Guy is a movie about making a movie. Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays an action star who's stuntman is played by Ryan Gosling... who has a real stuntman doing his stunts. The Fall Guy is filled with this type of third-degree meta-ness. I found it amusing.

The intro to the early screening called it a love letter to stuntmen. This is an accurate statement. Everyone who loves movies, action fans specifically, owe so much of their enjoyment to stuntmen. The movie showcases so many beautiful stunts. It truly is a celebration of that profession.

This is also heavily a love story. I normally don't go for that, but this one hit me in all the right ways. I felt all of the emotions they wanted me to feel.

I think most people will enjoy The Fall Guy. But the ones who will love it the most are people who are fascinated by the artistry of in-camera action, or fans of romantic comedies. Also, we need an Oscar for stunt work asap.

(1 viewing, early screening EMX 5/1/2024)
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