The Fall Guy (2024)
An ideal start to the 2024 summer movie season
3 May 2024
Whatever problems The Fall Guy has really aren't an issue when the final product is this much fun. It's a loving tribute to the never ending selflessness of stunt people wrapped inside of an endearing romantic comedy and meta action film. If David Leitch and 87 North did all the action in cinema the world would be a better place.

Ryan Gosling achieves new levels of perfection by merging the reserved stunt man character of Drive with his natural Kenergy. His version of Colt is just so lovable, especially because he's completely unafraid to be open in his vulnerability which makes him more relatable whilst being really funny. His comedic timing continues to be faultless, proving he can make any joke land.

Emily Blunt thankfully also gets a lot to do. Any scene she shares with Gosling is effortlessly charming and she has her own brand of bona-fide movie star charisma. Winston Duke is a great movie referencing support to Gosling, Aaron Taylor-Johnson does a hilarious McConaughey impression and Hannah Waddingham's cartoonishly over the top producer really works.

David Leitch's direction plays squarely to his strengths and after the disappointment of The Gray Man, it's extra satisfying to see Gosling be given some actually good fight scenes. Stunt designer Chris O'Hara and the whole stunt team really accomplished some breathtaking feats that are only made more impressive by seeing how they shot them during the credits.
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