Monk: Mr. Monk and the Candidate (2002)
Season 1, Episode 1
too annoying to continue watching
13 May 2024
Well crafted pilot with all the elements the audience can expect to see in the series.

-the protagonist/Sherlock style with his hilarious OCD issues + his superhuman ability of seeing things, connecting dots and solving mysteries.

-the nurse/Dr Watson who follows the detective protagonist in his adventures and will help him or cause troubles, because no conflict no story
  • a series of allies and opponents who might exchange roles according to the situation
  • intrigues, plot twist, stuff to investigates
  • the number 1 case that will never be solved until the end of the whole series: the death of our Sherlock's wife.

Now: it's all fun and games until I came to realize how predictable the following episodes will be: our protagonist will solve each case. Each one. Yes, some will be a bit harder than others but he'll get the job done.

His being awkward/making silly mistakes/being unable to function in society should add a level of trouble here and there but overall it's there more to function as a funny moment than as a real obstacle (eg the funeral, in this first episode)

overall I cannot relate in the least with the guy, too "know-it-all" to make me root for him.

Anyway: with 100+ episodes I guess the Producers are right.
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