Review of Steve!

Steve! (2024)
Improves As It Goes Along (Just Like Its Subject)
25 May 2024
Like other reviewers, I'm curious to know why the documentary was made in two pieces, other than the fact that it would be very long to watch in one sitting. In my case, viewing the documentary over two days, it definitely showed how Steve's life has changed over the years, certainly for the better. In that way, it's a very hopeful piece, one that proves how it's possible for someone to become more comfortable with who they are, more likeable, more relatable, etc. After seeing how much Steve struggled in the first half of his life, it's very heartwarming to see how much joy his entire life brings him today. Yes, the documentary is long and there are certainly parts that could have been trimmed but, like a lot of Apple TV+ programs, it feels like time well-spent when the final credits roll. Steve! Is an interesting study of a fascinating human being and certainly worth watching.
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