Madame Bovary (1949) Poster


Frank Allenby: Lhereux



  • Lheureux : I am in the business of making money, I leave the matter of morals to the priests and the philosophers.

  • Emma Bovary : You scoundrel!

    Lheureux : I beg your pardon?

    Emma Bovary : You monster!

    Lheureux : It's hardly becoming, Madame Bovary, for a woman of your character to start calling names. I've tolerated your conduct for too long. The things I've witnessed! The cheating, the lying, the insatiable greed! What ininquities! What sordid passions! Your child and husband deceived! All morals abandoned! Every loyalty forsworn while you indulged yourself with any man that came your way!

    Emma Bovary : Oh, don't! Please!

    Lheureux : And now you call me names. I am in the business of making money, Madame Bovary, a recognized, honorable profession, a profession which I am confident bears public comparison with yours.

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