Seven Samurai (1954)
Yoshio Tsuchiya: Farmer Rikichi
[Kambei is considering the farmer's offer]
Kambei Shimada : It's impossible.
Katsushiro : Sir! Why not arm them with...?
Kambei Shimada : I thought of that, too.
Katsushiro : But sir.
Kambei Shimada : [pointedly] This would not be a game. A band of forty bandits! Two or three "samurai" could accomplish nothing. Defense is harder than offense. Mountains in the back of the village?
Rikichi : Yes!
Kambei Shimada : Can horses get over them?
Rikichi : Yes!
Kambei Shimada : Fields in front. The village is wide open to horsemen... until the fields are flooded. One guard for each direction takes four. Two more as a reserve. You'll need at least... seven, including me.
[Kikuchiyo drags the bound bandit into a circle of vengeful, murderous farmers, laughing gleefully, and occasionally delivering a vengeful kick to his prisoner]
Bandit : Help!
[the bandit continues to struggle as he is dragged into the circle]
Bandit : Help! Help me!
[the samurai are desperately trying to hold back the crowd. The bandit's cries of 'Help!' continue on in the background. Kambei rushes into the circle]
Kambei Shimada : Back off! He's confessed. He's begging for his life. We can't just cut him to pieces.
[Heihachi tries to restrain a peasant carrying a bamboo spear]
Peasant : Leave out of this!
[Kambei tries to hold back Rikichi]
Rikichi : Let me at him!
[Suddenly, everyone stops and looks off-screen. The noise dies down. The old woman enters the vicious circle, carrying a hoe. Kambei and the other samurai watch as she shuffles past the silent crowd. Gisaku approaches the crowd and begins to speak]
Gisaku : Let her avenge her son's death in her own way. Make way there. Somebody help her!
[Rikichi pushes past Kambei and rushes forward. The other villagers follow him. The samurai turn away dejectedly]