Alcoholic Union Captain : Whoever has the most liquor to get the soldiers drunk and send them to be slaughtered, he's the winner.
Alcoholic Union Captain : Doc - Doctor, can you help me live a little more? Expect good news.
Alcoholic Union Captain : You've got every qualification to become expert in the use of weapons.
[swinging a bottle of booze]
Alcoholic Union Captain : This is the most potent weapon in war! The fighting spirit is in this bottle!
Alcoholic Union Captain : You'll all turn to dust, but one thing is sure, boys, Branston Bridge will stand unbroken.
Alcoholic Union Captain : We have two attacks a day.
Tuco : [appalled] Two attacks a day?
Alcoholic Union Captain : Sure, the Rebs have decided that damn bridge is the key to this whole area. Stupid, useless bridge. Flyspeck on headquarters' maps. And headquarters has declared we must take that ridiculous flyspeck even if all of us are killed. Otherwise, the key will get rusty and just be a spot on the wall.
Alcoholic Union Captain : It sure as hell might be you today, so go write your will.
Alcoholic Union Captain : You've got every qualification to become expert in the use of weapons. This is the most potent weapon in war! The fighting spirit is in this bottle!
Alcoholic Union Captain : I've been dreaming about it. I've even worked out a plan. I sure have! The best time is after the attack when there's a truce to get the wounded. If I could do it, I could save many thousands of men. But what I lack is the guts.