Carrie (1976)
Sissy Spacek: Carrie White
Margaret White : [referring to Carrie's prom gown] Red. I might have known it would be red.
Carrie : It's pink, Mama.
[presenting her corsage]
Carrie : Look what Tommy gave me, Mama. Aren't they beautiful?
Margaret White : I can see your dirty pillows. Everyone will.
Carrie : Breasts, Mama. They're called breasts, and every woman has them.
Carrie : It was bad, Mama. They laughed at me. Hold me, Mama. Please hold me.
Margaret White : I should've killed myself when he put it in me. After the first time, before we were married, Ralph promised never again. He promised, and I believed him. But sin never dies. Sin never dies. At first, it was all right. We lived sinlessly. We slept in the same bed, but we never did it. And then, that night, I saw him looking down at me that way. We got down on our knees to pray for strength. I smelled the whiskey on his breath. Then he took me. He took me, with the stink of filthy roadhouse whiskey on his breath, and I liked it. I liked it! With all that dirty touching of his hands all over me. I should've given you to God when you were born, but I was weak and backsliding, and now the Devil has come home. We'll pray.
Carrie : Yes.
Margaret White : We'll pray. We'll pray. We'll pray for the last time. We'll pray.
Carrie : Tommy?
Tommy Ross : Yeah?
Carrie : Why?
Tommy Ross : Why what?
Carrie : Why am I here?
Tommy Ross : Because it's the prom.
Carrie : Why am I here with you?
Tommy Ross : Because I asked you.
Carrie : Why'd you ask me?
Tommy Ross : Because I wanted to.
Carrie : Why'd you want to?
Tommy Ross : Because you liked my poem. Only I didn't write it. Somebody else did.
Carrie : Oh.
Mr. Fromm : Any criticisms? Anybody?
Carrie : It's beautiful.
Mr. Fromm : Carrie White! Beautiful. Beautiful. BEAUTIFUL! Oh, beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain. Is that the kind of beautiful you mean? Is it, Carrie? I'm afraid, Carrie, this is hardly a criticism.
Tommy Ross : [under his breath] You suck.
Mr. Fromm : Tommy? Did you say something, Tommy?
Tommy Ross : Who me?
Mr. Fromm : Yes.
Tommy Ross : I said, "Aw shucks."
Mr. Morton : We're all sorry about this incident, Cassie.
Carrie : [voice breaking, shouts] It's Carrie!
[Morton's ashtray, without reason, flips onto the floor, backwards. Miss Collins jumps back in shock]
Carrie : [reading from a library book] Telekinesis... thought to be the ability to move... or to cause changes... in objects... by force of the mind...?
Margaret White : Carrie, you haven't touched your apple cake.
Carrie : It gives me pimples, Mama.
Margaret White : Pimples are the Lord's way of chastising you.
Miss Collins : Carrie? Carrie. Carrie, what's the matter? What happened?
Carrie : Nothing.
Miss Collins : Was it one of the girls? Did one of the girls do something to you?
Carrie : No.
Miss Collins : What is it, then? You can trust me, you know that? Would you tell me?
Carrie : I got invited to the prom.
Miss Collins : That's great! That's fantastic! So what are you down here moping around for?
Carrie : Tommy Ross asked me.
Miss Collins : That's even better. He's really cute, huh?
Carrie : I know who he goes around with. They're just trying to trick me again. I know.
Margaret White : Witch. Got Satan's Power.
Carrie : It has nothing to do with Satan, Mama. It's me. Me. If I concentrate hard enough, I can move things.
Margaret White : He's not coming.
Carrie : He is coming, Mama. Now stop it. I'm nervous enough.
Margaret White : No, he's not coming. He's not gonna come.
[scratches her own face]
Carrie : Go away!
[Margaret slaps herself]
Carrie : Stop it, Mama!
[Margaret pulls her own hair]
Carrie : Stop hurting yourself, Mama!
Margaret White : He's gonna laugh at you. They're all gonna laugh at you!
Carrie : No one's gonna laugh at me, Mama.
Margaret White : Stay here with me.
Carrie : I don't want to stay here with you, Mama. Now sit down and be quiet.
Margaret White : I'll go downstairs, I'll answer the door. I'll tell him that you're sick. I'll tell him that you changed your mind.
Carrie : [forces Margaret onto the bed] SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET!
Margaret White : [gets up from the bed] Listen, I'll tell him that you changed...
Carrie : [forces Margaret onto the bed again] SIT DOWN! Just sit there, Mama, and don't say a word until I'm gone. I'll be home early. I love you, Mama.
[she leaves]
Margaret White : Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
Margaret White : You must renounce this power. You must give it up. You must never use it.
Carrie : I'm goin', Mama. You can't stop me. And I don't wanna talk about it anymore.