Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) Poster

Carrie Fisher: Princess Leia



  • Han Solo : [1:35:24]  No! Stop, Chewie, stop! Chewie! Chewie this won't help me! Hey! Save your strength. There'll be another time. The Princess. You have to take care of her. You hear me? Huh?

    [Leia and Han share a passionate kiss before Han is dragged towards the freezing chamber by the imperials] 

    Princess Leia : I love you.

    Han Solo : I know.

  • Princess Leia : [annoyed]  Why, you stuck up... half-witted... scruffy-looking... Nerf-herder!

    Han Solo : [shocked]  Who's scruffy-looking?

  • Princess Leia : You're not actually going IN to an asteroid field?

    Han Solo : They'd be crazy to follow us, wouldn't they?

  • Han Solo : You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake, well, this could be it, sweetheart.

    Princess Leia : I take it back.

  • Han Solo : Hey, Your Worship, I'm only trying to help.

    Princess Leia : Would you please stop calling me that?

    Han Solo : Sure, Leia.

    Princess Leia : You make it so difficult sometimes.

    Han Solo : I do, I really do. You could be a little nicer, though. Come on, admit it. Sometimes you think I'm all right.

    Princess Leia : Occasionally, maybe... when you aren't acting like a scoundrel.

    Han Solo : Scoundrel? Scoundrel... I like the sound of that.

    [Han starts to massage Leia's hand] 

    Princess Leia : Stop that.

    Han Solo : Stop what?

    Princess Leia : [timidly]  Stop that. My hands are dirty.

    Han Solo : My hands are dirty, too. What are you afraid of?

    Princess Leia : Afraid?

    Han Solo : You're trembling.

    Princess Leia : I'm not trembling.

    [Han moves in closer] 

    Han Solo : You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life.

    Princess Leia : I happen to like nice men.

    Han Solo : I'm a nice man.

    Princess Leia : No, you're not...

    [they kiss] 

  • Han Solo : Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?

    Princess Leia : I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee.

    Han Solo : I can arrange that. You could use a good kiss.

  • [the Millennium Falcon, under siege, won't start] 

    Princess Leia : [sarcastic]  Would it help if I got out and pushed?

    Han Solo : [also sarcastic]  It might!

  • Princess Leia : I love you.

    Han Solo : I know.

  • Han Solo : Well Princess, it looks like you managed to keep me here a while longer.

    Princess Leia : I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the system until they've activated the energy shield.

    Han Solo : That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.

    Princess Leia : I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain.

    [Chewbacca laughs] 

    Han Solo : Laugh it up, fuzzball.

  • Leia : They're getting closer.

    Han Solo : Oh, yeah? Watch this.

    [he throws the hyperdrive lever, the engine sputters and dies] 

    Leia : Watch what?

    Han Solo : I think we're in trouble.

    C-3PO : If I may say so, sir, I noticed earlier the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged. It's impossible to go to lightspeed!

    Han Solo : We're in trouble!

  • [a tremor knocks Leia into Solo's arms] 

    Princess Leia : Let go.

    Han Solo : Shh.

    Princess Leia : Let go, please.

    Han Solo : Don't get excited.

    Princess Leia : Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited.

    Han Solo : Sorry, sweetheart. I haven't got time for anything else.

  • Princess Leia : Han, we need you.

    Han Solo : *We* need?

    Princess Leia : Yes.

    Han Solo : Well, what about *you* need?

    Princess Leia : I need? I don't know what you are talking about.

    Han Solo : You probably don't.

    Princess Leia : What precisely am I supposed to know?

    Han Solo : Come on. You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me.

    Princess Leia : Yes, you're great help to us. You're a natural leader.

    Han Solo : No! That's not it. Come on. Come on!

    Princess Leia : You're imagining things.

    Han Solo : Am I? Then why are you following me? Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a goodbye kiss?

    Princess Leia : I'd just as soon kiss a wookiee.

    Han Solo : I can arrange that.

    [Han walks away] 

    Han Solo : You could use a good kiss!

  • [heading into a cave on a large asteroid] 

    Princess Leia : I hope you know what you're doing.

    Han Solo : Yeah, me too.

  • Princess Leia : The cave is collapsing.

    Han Solo : This is no cave.

  • Princess Leia : Luke! Luke! Don't! It's a trap! It's a trap!

  • Princess Leia : [to Han]  Well, I guess you don't know everything about women yet.

    [Leia gives Luke a kiss in front of Han] 

  • Luke : [clinging to an antennae below Cloud City]  Leia... Hear me, Leia...

    Princess Leia : [in the Falcon]  Luke... We've got to go back.

    Lando : What?

    Princess Leia : I know where Luke is!

  • Princess Leia : All troop carriers will assemble at the north entrance. The heavy transport ships will leave as soon as they're loaded. Only two fighter escorts per ship. The energy shield can only be opened for a short time, so you'll have to stay very close to your transports.

    Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian : Two fighters against a Star Destroyer?

    Princess Leia : The ion cannon will fire several shots to make sure any enemy ships will be out of your flight path. When you've gotten past the energy shield, proceed directly to the rendezvous point. Understood? Good luck.

  • Princess Leia : [to Han]  You certainly have a way with people...

  • [in the Asteroid Field] 

    Princess Leia : We're going to get pulverized if we stay out here much longer.

    Han Solo : I'm not going to argue with that.

    C-3PO : Pulverized?

  • Princess Leia : Some day you're gonna be wrong, I just hope I'm there to see it.

  • Lando : [seeing Leia for the first time]  Hello, what have we here? Welcome, I'm Lando Calrissian. I'm the administrator of this facility. And who might you be?

    Princess Leia : [smiles]  Leia.

    Lando : Welcome, Leia.

    [Lando bows and kisses her hand] 

    Han Solo : Alright, alright, you old smoothie.

  • [Amid the violence of colliding asteroids] 

    Princess Leia : [to Han Solo]  You don't have to do this to impress me.

  • [Han heads out of the Asteroids toward a Star Destroyer] 

    C-3PO : The odds of successfully surviving an attack on an Imperial Star Destroyer are approximately...

    Leia : Shut up!

  • Han Solo : Let's get out of here!

    Princess Leia : The Empire is still out there! I don't think it's wise...

    Han Solo : No time to discuss this in committee.

    Princess Leia : I am *not* a committee!

  • [Han reveals his clever plan of escape] 

    Princess Leia : You have your moments. Not many of them, but you do have them.

  • [On the asteroid] 

    Princess Leia : I have a bad feeling about this...

    Han Solo : Yeah. Watch out!

  • Han Solo : Get out of here, Lando.

    Lando : Shut up and listen. Vader has agreed that turn Leia and Chewie over to me.

    Han Solo : Over to you?

    Lando : They'll have to stay here at least, they'll be safe.

    Leia : What about Han?

    Lando : Vader's giving him to the bounty hunter.

    Leia : Vader wants us all dead.

    Lando : No, he doesn't want you at all. He's after somebody called, uh... Skywalker.

    Han Solo : Luke?

    Lando : Lord Vader has set a trap for him.

    Leia : And we're the bait.

    Lando : Yeah? Well, he's on his way.

    Han Solo : Perfect. You fixed us all real good, didn't you? My friend?

    [Han punches Lando. The two friends are instantly engaged in a frantic close-quarters fight. The guards hit him with their rifle butts and he flies across the room. Chewie growls and starts for the guards. They point their laser weapons at him, but Lando stops them] 

    Lando : Stop! I've done all I care. I'm sorry I couldn't do better, but I got my own problems. I've already stuck my neck out farther than I should.

    Han Solo : Yeah... You're a real hero.

    [Lando and the guards leave] 

  • Leia : I thought you knew this person.

    Chewbacca : [Chewie barks something to Han] 

    Han Solo : Well, that was a long time ago, I'm sure he's forgotten about that.

  • [the storm troopers are taken prisoner by Calrissian's men] 

    Lando : [to Lobot, his aide]  Well done. Hold them in the security tower, and keep it quiet. Move.

    [Lando's aide and their men walk off with the troops as Lando hands Leia the imperials' weapons and starts taking off Chewie's cuffs] 

    Leia : What do you think you're doing?

    Lando : We're getting out of here.

    C-3PO : I knew all along. Had to be a mistake.

    Leia : [angrily]  Do you think that after what you did to Han that we're going to trust you?

    [Chewie grabs Lando by the throat] 

    Lando : [choking]  I had no choice!

    C-3PO : What are you doing? Trust him, trust him!

    Leia : Oh, well, we understand, don't we, Chewie. You had "no choice".

    Lando : Just trying to help...

    Leia : We don't need any of your help!

    Lando : [gasps]  Han! Ha- Ha...

    Leia : What?

    Lando : HAN!

    C-3PO : It sounds like Han!

    Lando : [gasping]  There's still a chance to save Han! At the east... platform!

    Leia : Chewie!

    [Leia gets Chewie to drop Lando] 

    C-3PO : I'm terribly sorry about all this. After all, he's only a Wookiee!

  • C-3PO : [about Lando]  : Well, he seems very friendly.

    Princess Leia : Yes, very friendly...

  • Lando : [walks into a room with Han, Leia, and Chewbacca in it]  Sorry, am I interrupting anything?

    Princess Leia : Not really.

    Lando : [smiles]  You look absolutely beautiful. You truly belong here with us among the clouds.

    [Han looks jealous] 

    Princess Leia : [bitterly]  Thank you.

    Lando : Would you join us for a little refreshment? Everyone's invited, of course.

    [looks at the broken C-3PO] 

    Lando : Having trouble with your droid?

    Han Solo : No, no problem. Why?

    [he and Leia walk away as Lando glances at 3PO again then follows with Chewie] 

  • Princess Leia : Would it help if I got out and pushed?

    Han Solo : It might!

  • C-3PO : [as Chewie tries to fight off the imperials and free Han]  Oh, no! No, no, no! Stop, Chewbacca! Stop!

    [Boba Fett prepares to blast him, Darth Vader blocks him] 

    Han Solo : No! Chewie, stop! You're gonna get us all killed! Chewie, stop!

    C-3PO : Oh, yes! Stop, please! I am not ready to die!

    Han Solo : Hey, hey! Listen to me, Chewie! Chewie, this won't help me! Hey! Save your strength. There'll be another time. The Princess. You have to take care of her. You hear me? Huh?

    [Leia and Han share a passionate kiss before Han is dragged towards the freezing chamber by the imperials] 

    Princess Leia : I love you.

    Han Solo : I know.

  • Lando : [to Leia]  You look absolutely beautiful. You truly belong here with us among the clouds.

    Princess Leia : [cooly]  Thank you.

  • [preparing to escape in the Falcon] 

    Yoda : This bucket of bolts is never gonna get us past that blockade.

    Princess Leia : This baby's got a few surprises left in her, sweetheart.

  • General Rieekan : I don't think we can protect two transports at a time.

    Princess Leia : It's risky but we can't hold out much longer. We have no choice.

    General Rieekan : Launch patrols.

    Princess Leia : Evacuate remaining ground staff.

  • Han Solo : [deleted scene; Han walks up back to Leia]  You've been so busy being a Princess you haven't learned how to be a woman. I could have helped you. But, it's too late. Your big opportunity is flying outta here sweetheart, right now.

    Princess Leia : I think I can survive.

    Han Solo : Good luck.

    [walks away] 

    Princess Leia : You don't care about all those people depending on you...

    Han Solo : [cuts her off]  Spare me please. Don't tell me about the rebellion again. Don't you think about anything else? I'm sorry but you're as cold as this planet.

    Princess Leia : ...and you think you're the one to apply some heat?

    Han Solo : I could, but I'm not really interested anymore. We'll meet again, and maybe by then you'll have warmed up a little.

    Princess Leia : You have all the breeding of a Banatha and just about as much charm. Enjoy your trip, hotshot!

    [walks away] 

  • Princess Leia : I'll be back.

  • Han Solo : Get out of here, Lando.

    Lando : Shut up and listen. Now Vader has agreed to turn Leia and Chewie over to me.

    Han Solo : Over to you?

    Lando : They'll have to stay here, but at least they'll be safe.

    Princess Leia : What about Han?

    Lando : Vader's giving him to the bounty hunter.

    Princess Leia : Vader wants us all dead.

    Lando : No, he doesn't want you at all! He's after somebody called, uh... Skywalker.

    Han Solo : Luke?

    Lando : Lord Vader has set a trap for him.

    Princess Leia : And we're the bait.

    Lando : Yeah? Well, he's on his way.

    Han Solo : Perfect. You fixed us all real good, didn't you? My friend!

    [Han punches Lando. The two friends are instantly engaged in a frantic close-quarters fight. The guards hit him with their rifle butts and he flies across the room. Chewie growls and starts for the guards. They point their laser weapons at him, but Lando stops them] 

    Lando : Stop! I've done all I can. I'm sorry I couldn't do better, but I've got my own problems. I've already stuck my neck out farther than I should.

    Han Solo : Yeah. You're a real hero.

    [Lando and the guards leave] 

    Princess Leia : You certainly have a way with people.

  • Princess Leia : [to Han]  Why are they doing this?

    Han Solo : They never even asked me any questions.

  • Princess Leia : [angrily]  Han!

    Han Solo : [sarcastically]  Yes, Your Highnessness!

  • Han Solo : [flying in an asteroid belt]  I'm going in closer to one of the big ones.

    Princess Leia : Closer?

    C-3PO : Closer?

    Chewbacca : [questioning roar] 

  • Han Solo : Switch over. Let's hope we don't have a burnout.

    [Falcon doesn't burnout] 

    Han Solo : See?

    Princess Leia : Someday you're gonna be wrong, and I just hope I'm there to see it.

  • Han Solo : That looks pretty good.

    Princess Leia : What looks pretty good?

  • Han Solo : I'm going out there.

    Princess Leia : Are you crazy?

    Han Solo : I just got this bucket back together. I'm not going to let something tear it apart.

    Princess Leia : Oh, then I'm going with you.

    Chewbacca : [mumbling roar] 

    [grabs his crossbow] 

    C-3PO : I think it might be better if I stay behind and guard the ship. Oh, no.

  • Princess Leia : You can't make the jump to light speed in this asteroid field.

    Han Solo : Sit down, sweetheart! We're taking off!

  • Han Solo : Well, wait. This is intresting. Lando.

    Princess Leia : Lando system?

    Han Solo : Lando's not a system, he's a man. Lando Calrissian. He's a cardplayer, gambler, scoundrel. You'd like him?

    Princess Leia : Thanks.

  • Princess Leia : [the Millennium Falcon hiding onto of an Imperial Star Destroyer]  What did you have in mind for your next move?

    Han Solo : Well, if they follow standard Imperial procedure, they'll dump their garbage before they go to light speed, and then we just float away.

    Princess Leia : With the rest of the garbage.

  • Princess Leia : I don't like this.

    Han Solo : Well, what would you like?

  • Princess Leia : All the coordinates are set. It's now or never.

  • Princess Leia : I don't trust Lando.

    Han Solo : Well, I don't trust him either. But, he is my friend.

  • Princess Leia : Chewie, slow down. Slow down.

  • Han Solo : We'll soon be gone.

    Princess Leia : Then you're as good as gone, aren't you?

  • Princess Leia : Chewie, just do it!

  • Princess Leia : Okay. Easy, Chewie.

See also

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